Awin’s Report Highlights Key Affiliate Marketing Trends to Watch

Awin’s Report Highlights Key Affiliate Marketing Trends to Watch

Awin, one of the largest affiliate marketing networks, recently released its annual industry report. The report provides an invaluable look at the key developments and trends shaping affiliate marketing based on Awin’s data and insights. Several major themes stand out that publishers and advertisers alike should pay attention to.

Influencer marketing is exploding. Spend on influencer campaigns increased by over 75% year-over-year according to Awin’s report. Influencers provide an engaging way for brands to connect with passionate audiences. And incentivizing influencers through affiliate commissions versus flat fees gives added motivation to drive conversions.

Content marketing and SEO are still critical. While influencers get much of the buzz, Awin’s data shows most affiliate traffic continues to come through organic search. So investing in high-quality content that drives SEO remains crucial for publishers.

Mobile matters. Over 50% of affiliate traffic now comes through mobile devices. Ensuring a seamless mobile experience is vital to connect with today’s on-the-go consumers.

Data transparency is essential. Awin emphasized the importance of transparent tracking and attribution. Publishers need openness from networks/brands to understand what marketing tactics deliver results so they can optimize activity.

The pay-per-sale model thrives. Affiliate marketing is moving beyond paying solely for clicks and leads. Around 70% of advertisers now offer pay-per-sale commissions. This gives affiliates added incentives to drive real business outcomes.

As the affiliate industry matures, staying on top of these emerging trends is key. Industry reports like Awin’s help both advertisers and publishers make smart decisions by revealing the latest developments in affiliate marketing. The data provides insights that can inform strategy and ultimately drive ROI.

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